Group 8
Aperitif concerts

Aperitif concerts

The Commission des Fêtes d’Arlon [Arlon Festival Commission] offers aperitif concerts both in summer and winter, so that you can spend some quality time with family and friends, enjoying our region’s local artists.

Summer aperitif concerts (Musical’été)

Every summer, on Saturday afternoons in July and August, the Commission des Fêtes offers a series of concerts in the courtyard of the Arlon Tourist Office.
The musical styles performed are diverse and varied, and the concerts are free.

Winter aperitif concerts

A twist on the aperitif concerts is also planned for the winter period, at the Palais d’Arlon. A number of dates are on offer, so you can look forward to the warm weather while still enjoying the music.

Enjoy aperitif concerts all year round!

Come and discover the artists on our stages in summer and winter. We look forward to seeing you there!